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Meet Megan

parental leave coach executive coach for women for working moms

2021 - Present


At the end of 2021, I left my corporate job (see below) to focus full-time on Momiculture. I have been going direct to the source and engaging with mothers through workshops, employer consultations, coaching sessions and more. 


I leverage my R-PLC (RETAINTM - Parental Leave Coach) certification from the Center for Parental Leave Leadership, my rich experience in the corporate space as a Vice President and learnings from my personal journey of work like motherhood to bring meaningful resources to my clients.

2010 - 2021

Finance & Strategy Leader, Fortune 500 healthcare company

The initial catalyst for Momiculture started when I founded a New Moms group at my Fortune 500 employer’s headquarters in 2014 after returning from her first maternity leave. That group still exists today and holds quarterly events for its ~70 members. While in my corporate career, I also leveraged my passion and my position as Vice President of Finance to establish other resources for mothers including a Mentor Mom program and a Working Parents Employee Resource Group (“ERG”). The experience I gained in establishing these resources helps me understand how to best support mothers through different seasons and the type of support mothers are actually seeking.

2014 - Present


I welcomed my first child in 2014 and my second in 2017. They are a constant inspiration to me and teach me as much (or more) as I teach them.

My company


momiculture phase 2

Momiculture's current phase is focused on translating all that I have learned through the ideating and phase 1 stages into accessible support for mothers in the workplace and working parents more broadly. That means support and tools through a number of different delivery models, including a podcast, 1:1 coaching, and consulting services with other businesses in related spaces. 

2021 - 2022

momiculture phase 1

The first year of momiculture was all about continued learning - I focused on learning the coaching and parental support spaces and went direct to the source by offering coaching services and workshops to mothers to learn first-hand what challenges are most present for them and how to help.

2014 - 2021

Ideating within the corporate landscape

I dedicated a good portion of my time while in my corporate job learning and exploring what type of support mothers want and need. I experimented with establishing and leading moms groups, mentor mom programs, workshops, parenting resource groups and more.

Why momiculture?

  • 10+ years learning and living the mothering journey and associated sucesses and challenges

  • Dozens of touchpoints with mothers to source information first-hand

  • Hundreds of mothers already engaging with me through multiple different channels

  • Well-networked within the coaching and parental support spaces

  • Certified Coach through the Center for Parental Leave Leadership's best-in-class Coaching Institute

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